
Interior/Exterior Cleaning

Our programs include all levels of service ranging from day/turn cleaning through overnight and maximum effort cleaning. Exterior cleaning includes wet and dry wash programs and polishing.


Computerized Tail Tracking

Each nightly assignment is uploaded into our Tail Tracking system, detailing the status of each aircraft in your fleet.


Materials/Chemicals Equipment

We provide all support material for each of our specifically designed programs. All chemicals used are aircraft approved. We strive to utilize the most environmentally friendly compounds available on today’s market. The equipment we provide is tailored to your specific needs.



We provide all personnel normally associated with in-house cleaning programs, including the management staff solely responsible for your cleaning program.


Manuals and Procedures

Each customer receives an individualized aircraft cleaning manual detailing the specifics of all procedures applicable to their program; i.e. type of cleaning, frequency of cleaning, etc.


Quality Control

Our quality control staff will audit your systems providing both H&H and our customers with timely data on the quality of cleaning being performed. This data is computerized with quality control reports made available to each customer.